Spanish Colonial Architecture reference books
Content Description
Thirteen (13) volumes used by the donor as reference materials in the writing of her book, Spanish Colonial Architecture (See Inventory)
Acquisition Type
Gift of Pamela Skewes-Cox
Restrictions Apply
- Publication: 1925 - 1962
13 Volumes
1. The Fleischmann Yeast Family, Images of America 2. Emily Hall Tremaine : Collector on the Cusp, by Kathleen Housley 3. Lives in Letters : a New England Family, 1870-2000, by Caroline Williams (about Bernhard Hoffmann) 4. Diary of a Dude Wrangler, by Struthers Burt, 1924 edition (references to Santa Barbara) 5. School Days in California: The Story of Santa Barbara School 1910-1950, by Curtis Cate (about the Cate School) 6. A Thread to Hold : the Story of Ojai Valley School, by Patricia Fry 7. The Ojai Valley, an illustrated history, by Patricia Fry 8. Santa Barbara and its Architecture, 1926 publication (vintage images of Santa Barbara architecture) 9. Swinging the Censer, Reminiscences of Old Santa Barbara, by Kathleen M. Bell, 1931 publication. 10. Adventures with Peons, Princes, & Tycoons, by Marshall Bond 11. The Smiling Hill-Top and Other California Sketches, illustrated by Carleton Winslow, by Julia Sloane, 1925 edition. 12. Both Hands Before The Fire (autobiography) by Prynce Hopkins, 1962 edition 13. Nourishing the Spirit, the Life and Views of Edward Yeomans, Sr. (founder of the Ojai Valey School), by Edward Yoemans, Jr..
- Skewes-Cox, Pamela (Donor, Person)