Dodd (Margaret) Collection
Content Description
Seven (7) books and twenty-five (25) fruit crate labels
Acquisition Type
Gift of Margaret K. Dodd
Restrictions Apply
25 Fruit Crate Labels
7 Volumes
Seven (7) books and twenty-five (25) fruit crate labels. Book titles are: 1) Blanchard, Dean Hobbs, and Grant W. Heil. 1983. Of California's first citrus empire: a rainbow arches from Maine to Ventura County. 2) Vernon, Edward W. 2002. Las misiones antiguas : the Spanish missions of Baja California, 1683-1855. Santa Barbara (CA): Viejo Press. 3) Vernon, Edward W, and Margaret Dodd. 2009. A maritime history of Baja California. Santa Barbara: Viejo Press. (2 copies) - Both copies to book sale 4) Vernon, Edward W. 2012. Asistencia Santa Margarita de Cortona. Santa Barbara: Viejo Press. (2 copies) - 1 copy to book sale 5) Triem, Judith P., and Michael R. Stone. 1993. The Limoneira Company: one hundred years of growing : 1893-1993. Santa Paula, Calif: Limoneira Company.