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BOOK. Library Books

 Record Group
Identifier: BOOK

Found in 365 Collections and/or Records:

1. "Bolton and the Spanish Borderlands", John Francis Bannon, ed. 1964. (inscribed by editor). 2. "Chile, Peru, and the California Gold Rush of 1849" by Jay Monaghan, 1973 ( inscribed by author). 3. "California March of Industry" by Robert G. Cleland and Osgood Hardy, 1929. 4. "Frontier America, The Story of the Westward Movement", by Thomas D. Clark, 2nd ed., 1969. 5. "Western America", by LeRoy Hafen, Eugene Hollen, Carl Coke Rister, 3rd ed., 1970. 6. "The Westward Movement: A short Story", by Kent Ladd Steckmesser, 1969. 7. "The Unwelcome Immigrant, The American Image of the Chinese 1785-1882", by Stuart Creighton Miller, 1969. 8. "Eminent Women of the West" by Elinor Richey, 1975. 9. "Sal Si Puedes: Cesar Chavez and the New American Revolution", by Peter Matthiessen, 1969. 10. "Los Angeles" by Harry Carr, 1935. 11."Colonial Hispanic America: A History" by Charles Edward Chapman, 1933. 12. "Flowering Shrubs of California and Their Value to the Gardener" by Lester Rowntree, 1947. 13. "The Indians of Southern California in 1852" by John Walton Caughey, 1952. Seven Softcover Books as follows: 14. "The Chicanos: A History of Mexican Americans" by Matt S. Meier and Feliciano Rivera, 1972. 15. "la Raza: The Mexican Americans" by Stan Steiner, 1970. 16. "The Log of a Cowboy, A Narrative of the Old Trail Days" by Andy Adams, 1903 (reprint). 17. "Minorities in California History" George Frakes and Curtis Solberg, eds. 1971. (Inscribed by Frakes) 18. "Racism in California: A Reader in the History of Oppression" Roger Daniels and Spencer C, Olin, Jr., eds, 1972. 19. "The Lost Death Valley '49er Journal of Louis Nusbaumer" by George Koenig, 1974. 20. "California Heritage, An Anthology of History and Literature" by John and Laree Caughey, 1971.

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 2001-021
Found in: Gledhill Library

1. Map, California and Nevada, pub. by National Geographic Society, 6/1974. 2, Pamphlet, "Introduction to the Latin American Nations," pub. by Organization of American States, 1970 reprint. Twenty-five books as follows (sc - softcover hc- hardcover): 3. De Vito, Bernard, THE YEAR OF DECISION 1846. Sentry ed., 1961. sc 4. Wheeler, Eugene D. and Kallman, Robert E., SHIPWRECKS, SMUGGLERS AND MARITIME MYSTERIES. 2nd ed., 1986. sc 5. Turner, Frederick Jackson, THE FRONTIER IN AMERICAN HISTORY. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston ed., 1962. sc 6. Turner, Henry A. and Vieg, John A., THE GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS OF CALIFORNIA. McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed., 1964. sc 7. Reed, Adele, MAMMOTH LAKES MEMORIES. Chalfant Press, 1971. sc 8. Morgan, Dale L., JEDEDIAH SMITH AND THE OPENING OF THE WEST. Univ. of Nebraska Press, 3rd printing, 1967. sc 9. Billington, Ray Allen, THE FAR WESTERN FRONTIER 1830-1860. Harper TorchBooks, 1962. sc 10. Grant, Blanche C., ed. KIT CARSON'S OWN STORY OF HIS LIFE. Kit Carson Memorial Foundation, 1955. sc 11. Starr, Kevin, INVENTING THE DREAM,. Oxford Univ. Press 1985. sc 12. Booth, Larry, et. al., PORTRAIT OF A BOOM TOWN: SAN DIEGO IN THE 1880S. reprint, Calif. Historical Quarterly, Dec. 1971. sc 13. Nava, Julian and Barger, Bob, CALIFORNIA: FIVE CENTURIES OF CULTURAL CONTRASTS. Glencoe Press, 1976. sc (ex libris) 14. Hutchinson, W.H., CALIFORNIA: THE GOLDEN SHORE BY THE SUNDOWN SEA. 2nd ed., Star Publishing, 1988. sc 15. Overholt, Alma, THE CATALINA STORY. Catalina Island Museum Society, 1978 update sc 16. Dvorin, Eugene P. and Misner, Arthur J., CALIFORNIA POLITICS AND POLICIES. Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1966. sc 17. DeVoto, Bernard, ACROSS THE WIDE MISSOURI. Houghton Miflin Sentry ed., 1964. sc 18. Rolle, Andrew F. and Gaines, John S., THE GOLDEN STATE: A HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA AHM Publishing, 2nd ed., 1979. sc 19. Bean, Walton, BOSS RUEF'S SAN FRANCISCO. Univ. of Calif. Press. 4th printing, 1972. sc 20. PEOPLE OF EARLY LOS ANGELES BROUGH WATER TO THEIR LAND AND HOMES. Los Angeles City School Districts Curriculum Division Publication No. 515, 1951. sc 21. Caughey, John W., CALIFORNIA: A REMARKABLE STATE'S LIFE HISTORY. 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, 1970. hc 22. Geiger, Marynard, AS THE PADRES SAW THEM... Santa Barbara Mission Archive - Library, 1976. hc 23. McClure, James D., CALIFORNIA LANDMARKS. Standford Univ. Press, 5th printing, 1963. hc (ex libris) 24. Billington, Ray Allen, WESTWARD EXPANSION: A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN FRONTIER. MacMillan Company, 2nd. ed., 1960. hc (ex libris) 25. Dozer, Donald Marquand, LATIN AMERICA: AN INTERPRETIVE HISTORY. McGraw-Hill, 1962. hc (ex libris) 26. Bannon, John Francis, HISTORY OF THE AMERICAS. McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed., 1963. hc 27. Los Angeles City School Districts Curriculum Division, CALIFORNIA, YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW. 1949. hc

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 1994-013
Found in: Gledhill Library