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Hart (Reuben) Guadalupe property deeds

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 2023-152

Content Description

Five (5) electronic file images of three (3) property deeds.

Acquisition Type



Gift of Michael Gin. The property deeds came into the possession of the donor following his father's recent passing and while he was sorting through his father's personal belongings. The donor had been aware of his father's ownership of vacant property in Guadalupe, California, which he shared with his three brothers. However, these properties had been sold in the 1990s. The documents discovered appear to be deeds from the previous owners of the Guadalupe vacant lots. The donor's paternal grandfather acquired these properties in collaboration with either his sister or eldest daughter during the 1920s to 1940s. Subsequently, the deeds were transferred to the donor's grandfather. The donor is uncertain about the reasons behind the transfer from his eldest daughter, but speculates one possibility is that he might not have been proficient in reading or speaking English. Another conjecture relates to cultural norms, where property tended to be inherited by male siblings rather than females. When he passed away, the property was bequeathed to his four sons, one of whom was the donor's father.

Restrictions Apply



  • 1885 - 1891


Five (5) electronic files