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1. White Hand Knitted Bedspread - Made by her mother, Mrs Alexander Cross- about 1920. 2. White Silk Embroidered Shawl - made in China - sent to the Grandmother of Miss Minerva A. Cross, Maggie Lochead Cross, by Alexander Cross, Sr. from Shanghai to Glasgow about 1852 .3 a-b 1 pair of Dice Paper Weights, made from part of the machinery from the Potter Hotel salvaged after the fire. .4 1 Looseleaf notebook "Classification of Pamphlets" of Santa Barbara Historical Society Library .5 Miniature reprint of Boston Evening Transcript, dated 1874 .6 Reprint of 1776-1876 Centennial Memorial of Declaration of Independence 14 Clippings from Los Angeles Times "California's Hall of Fame" Rockwell 6 Copies of magazine "California History Nugget" - Oct 1938 Through March 1939 U.S Flag, 48 Stars (Linen) The Cabin, by Stewart Edward White Santa Barbara & Montecito by South wick pamphlets

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 1961-046

Content Description

1. White Hand Knitted Bedspread - Made by her mother, Mrs Alexander Cross- about 1920. 2. White Silk Embroidered Shawl - made in China - sent to the Grandmother of Miss Minerva A. Cross, Maggie Lochead Cross, by Alexander Cross, Sr. from Shanghai to Glasgow about 1852 .3 a-b 1 pair of Dice Paper Weights, made from part of the machinery from the Potter Hotel salvaged after the fire. .4 1 Looseleaf notebook "Classification of Pamphlets" of Santa Barbara Historical Society Library .5 Miniature reprint of Boston Evening Transcript, dated 1874 .6 Reprint of 1776-1876 Centennial Memorial of Declaration of Independence 14 Clippings from Los Angeles Times "California's Hall of Fame" Rockwell 6 Copies of magazine "California History Nugget" - Oct 1938 Through March 1939 U.S Flag, 48 Stars (Linen) The Cabin, by Stewart Edward White Santa Barbara & Montecito by South wick pamphlets

Acquisition Type



Gift of Miss Minerva A Cross

Restrictions Apply



1. White Hand Knitted Bedspread - Made by her mother, Mrs Alexander Cross- about 1920. 2. White Silk Embroidered Shawl - made in China - sent to the Grandmother of Miss Minerva A. Cross, Maggie Lochead Cross, by Alexander Cross, Sr. from Shanghai to Glasgow about 1852 .3 a-b 1 pair of Dice Paper Weights, made from part of the machinery from the Potter Hotel salvaged after the fire. .4 1 Looseleaf notebook "Classification of Pamphlets" of Santa Barbara Historical Society Library .5 Miniature reprint of Boston Evening Transcript, dated 1874 .6 Reprint of 1776-1876 Centennial Memorial of Declaration of Independence 14 Clippings from Los Angeles Times "California's Hall of Fame" Rockwell 6 Copies of magazine "California History Nugget" - Oct 1938 Through March 1939 U.S Flag, 48 Stars (Linen) The Cabin, by Stewart Edward White Santa Barbara & Montecito by South wick pamphlets