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Voting Records for the County of Santa Barbara

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 1992-028

Content Description

Twenty-nine (29) volumes of Great Registers; thirty (30) volumes of indices to Great Registers; eight (8) volumes of indices to Precinct Registers; four (4) volumes of records of nomination papers filed/examined; four (4) volumes of official records of ballots; one (1) volume of Cuyama Precinct Register, and one (1) box of voter registration cards and cancellations.

Acquisition Type



Gift of Santa Barbara County Register of Voters, facilitated by Kenneth A. Pettit

Restrictions Apply



  • 1866 - 1966


1.-29) [29 Vols.] Great Registers as follows: 1866-75, 1975-79, 1879-82, 1882-1886, 1888-90, 1892, 1892-96, 1896-98 A-L., 1896-98. M-Z, 1900 A-L., 1900 m-Z., 1902 A-L, 1902 M-Z, 1904 A-L, 1904 M-Z. 1906-7 A-L, 1906-7 M-Z, 1908-9 M-Z, 1938,1940,1942,1944,1946, 1948, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1956 30.-49) [20 Vols.] Indices to Great Registers as follows: 1904, 1906,1908,1910,1911 suppl., 1912,1912 suppl., 1914.1916,1918,1920 (2 vols.), 1922,1924,1926,1928,1930,1932,1934,1936 50.-57) [8 Vols,] Indices to Precinct Registers as follows: 1900,1902,1964 Parts 1-3, 1966 Parts 1-3 58-61) [4 Vols.] Record of Nomination Papers Filed or Examined as follows: 1910-26, 1928,1930,1940-50 62.-65) [4 Vols.] Official Record of Ballots as follows: (estimated dates), 1930-37, 1930-36,1938-48,1956-58 66) [1 Vol.] Cuyama Precinct Register 1916 67) [1 box] 1869-1876 Voter Registration Card and Cancellations