Guntermann, George
Found in 61 Collections and/or Records:
1. One typescript, "Annals of the Camp Drake Summer Vacation Camp," pub. by the Boy Scouts of America, Santa Barbara District Council, 1924.
Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 1995-111
Found in:
Gledhill Library
1. One typescript, "The Mission Council Story: A History of Boy Scouting in Santa Barbara County," by Lanny Ebentsein and with handwritten notes by George Guntermann. 1995. includes typescript by Lanny Ebenstein and Robert Petersen, "A Heritage of Service: The History of Canalino Lodge 90, Order of the Arrow", 4th ed., and "A Camp Ranger's Memoirs", by Niels F. "Slim" Larsen.
Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 1995-121
Found in:
Gledhill Library
1. One wooden paddle with the Greek initials of the fraternity Delta Sigma Epsilon written in yellow. Used by the Santa Barbara College Chapter, ca. 1939. 2. One faculty ID card from La Cumbre Jr. High issued to George Guntermann, 1976-1977. 3-10. Eight volumes of San Marcos High School yearbook, "Crown and Sceptre: as follows: 1976, 1978, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1986, 1987. ALL above in GOOD Condition.
Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 1989-055
Found in:
Gledhill Library
1. Photo of 3 Ranchero Visitadores - Fred Lewis, William Guntermann, and Bob O'Dell - 1938 2. Photo of Ranchero Visitadores group in 1938 - including Fred Lewis, William Guntermann, Leo Carrillo, T.M. Storke, Irving Cobb, John Parma, Warner Edmonds Sr., and Ralph Wahlbridge
Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 1968-095
Found in:
Gledhill Library
1. Program, "A Musical Finale", Santa Barbara High School, 5/24/1968. 2. One Turbine Egg Beater. 3. One can opener. 4. Program, Band and Orchestra Concert, SB Jr. High School, 2/14/1964. 5. Program, 18th annual Band and Orchestra Concert, SB Jr. High School, n.d. 6. Booklet, "Fifty Years of Service, 1891-1941, Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital". 7. Program, Keiki's Luau, Cold Spring School Sixth Grade, 6/13/1962. 8. Program, "The Unsinkable Molly Brown, benefit by Youth Theatre Productions for United Nations Association, 7/12/1967. 9. Program, Chistmas Pageant, SB Jr. High School, 12/17/1964. 10. One 4.5 x 3 b/w photographic negative of Mr. and Mrs. William Guntermann in Fiesta costume. 11. Santa Barbara Evening High School Diploma of Graduation for Gary Guntermann, 6/5/1968. 12. Program, SB Jr. High School Graduation Exercises, 6/18/1965. 13. One 8 x 10 b/w photograph of Jefferson School's Grade 2 class of Miss Cain, 1957-8. 14. Brochure for Windmill Cottage Nursery, 20 Hot Springs Road. 15. Program, 13th Annual Commnecement, Humpty Dumpty House, 6/27/1954. 16. Diploma, Humpty Dumpty House, for Gary Guntermann, 6/27/1954. 17. Membership card of Audrey Oliver in Santa Barbara chapter of Delta Sigma Epsilon Sorority, 1938. 18. Round cloth badge for Camp Lorr. 3" in diameter 19. Program, Cold Spring School 1954 Christmas Pageant. 20. Invitation to 1940 commencement exercises at Santa Barbara State College. 21. Program, conecert by Santa Barbara State College Women's Glee Club, 5/22/1938. 22. Cold Spring School, School Safety Committe Certificate of Merit issued to Gary Guntermann, 3/15/1956. 23. One 8 x 10 b/w photograph of grades 1 and 2, Cold Spring School, 1955-6. 24. One 8 x 10 b/w photograph of Cold Spring School grade 2, 1958-9. 25. One 8 x 10 b/w photograph of Cold Spring School grade 3, 1958-9. 26. One 8 x 10 b/w photograph of Lorraine Cain's 1st grade class, Jefferson School, 1957. 27. One 8 x 10 b/w photograph of vice principal Fred Pierce standing in ruins of La Cumbre Jr. High School after fire. 28. One 8 x 10 b/w photograph of roof top of La Cumbre Jr. High School after fire. 29. Brochure, Youth Theatre Productions 1967 Summer Season. 30. Program, "Brigadoon", Santa Barbara High School, Apr. 1968. 31. Scroll, "A Century of Delineator Girls".
Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 1996-003
Found in:
Gledhill Library
1. Program for College Junior High School presentation, Nov. 19 & 20, 1929. 2. Program for two one-act plays, College Junior High School, May 22 & 23, 1929. 3. College Junior High School Reading List, 11/1928. 4. "The Eaglet," newspaper of College Elem. and Junior High School, 11/1928. 5. "Tip-Top", yearbook of College Elementary School, 1931. 6-8. Three 3.5 x 4.5 b/w photos of College Elem. students in costume for a play. 9. One 3.5 x 5.5 b/w photo of student crew that built College Elem. building. 10. One 3.5 x 5.5 b/w photo of College Elem. building under construction.
Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 1995-016
Found in:
Gledhill Library
1: St. Anthonys Seminary from tower of Old Mission, 1909. 2: Santa Barbara Mission facade looking north, 1909. 3: Panoramic view from Old Mission tower, looking east, 1909. 4: Unident, mission padre in Old Mission garden, 1909. 5: Old Mission cemetery looking south towards east tower, 1909. 6: Program, SB Co. Branch of Music Teachers Assoc. of California Spring Recital, 05/17/1964. 7: Program SB Co. Branch of Music Teachers Assoc. of California Spring Musicale, 05/14/1967. 8: Program SB Co. Branch of Music Teachers Assoc. of California Christmas Recital, 12/08/1963. 9-10: Two copies, Program, City Club An Afternoon of Music, 05/22/1960. 11: Program, Feast of Christmas, 12/13/1967. 12: Program, SB High School Madrigal Singers Christmas Concert, n.d.
Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 1997-027
Found in:
Gledhill Library
1. Two copies of Yearbook, "The Midget" of Santa Barbara Junior High School, as well as La Cumbre Yearbooks. 1926-1986 (not all years). Also scrap books and minutes of meetings of student groups, some copies of school papers and other material. 2. Nine slides of McKinley School.
Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 1987-092
Found in:
Gledhill Library
1a,b: Two 8x10 b/w photographs of Boy Scouts w/ cannon and tents at corner of De La Guerra and State streets. 2: One 7x11 b/w photograph of Boy Scouts gathering in front of Los Banos del Mar, ca. 1926. 3: One 3x5.5 b/w photograph of Boy Scouts gathering at Peabody Stadium, 1954. 4: One 5x7 b/w photograph of Boy Scout Troop 9, Eagle Patrol at Tin Can Shack, 1924. With Calvin McCrea - Set Ex. 5a,b: Two 3.5x4.5 b/w photographs of unident. bldg flanked by two trees. 6: One 3.5x5.5 b/w photograph of 833 State Street after 1925. 7: One 11x14 piece of black construction paper w/ 6 b/w photographs of H.M.S. Bounty Replica off Santa Barbara.
Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 1998-027
Found in:
Gledhill Library
Additional filters:
- Subject
- School yearbooks 8
- College yearbooks 1
- Maps 1
- Music 1
- Programs 1
- Santa Barbara Earthquake, Calif., 1925 1
- Santa Cruz Island (Calif.) 1
- Street-railroads 1
- Wildfires 1
- Yearbooks 1 ∧ less
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