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1. 35 mm projector in black case. 2. Tailor's ironing dummy. 3. Top Hat. 4. Early carpet beater. 5. Walking cane, black handle. 6. Twine & cordage yard stick. 7. Tailor's yard stick with yardage markings. 8. Two U.S. Flags attached to small wood poles. 9. Miscellaneous collection of buttons. 10. Leather tobacco pouch (2 pieces). 11. Meershaum pipe (2 pieces). 12. Indian beads. 13. Old Fashioned cigarette lighter. 14. Whistle. 15. Four old broken watches. 16. Two pins-Awards of Merit- Maritime Commission (one larger than other). 17. Miscellaneous odds and ends. 18. Wooden drawer box. Note: All of the above items belonged to Mrs. Tipton's father.

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 1970-059

Content Description

1. 35 mm projector in black case. 2. Tailor's ironing dummy. 3. Top Hat. 4. Early carpet beater. 5. Walking cane, black handle. 6. Twine & cordage yard stick. 7. Tailor's yard stick with yardage markings. 8. Two U.S. Flags attached to small wood poles. 9. Miscellaneous collection of buttons. 10. Leather tobacco pouch (2 pieces). 11. Meershaum pipe (2 pieces). 12. Indian beads. 13. Old Fashioned cigarette lighter. 14. Whistle. 15. Four old broken watches. 16. Two pins-Awards of Merit- Maritime Commission (one larger than other). 17. Miscellaneous odds and ends. 18. Wooden drawer box. Note: All of the above items belonged to Mrs. Tipton's father.

Acquisition Type



Gift of Mrs. James Tipton

Restrictions Apply



1. 35 mm projector in black case. 2. Tailor's ironing dummy. 3. Top Hat. 4. Early carpet beater. 5. Walking cane, black handle. 6. Twine & cordage yard stick. 7. Tailor's yard stick with yardage markings. 8. Two U.S. Flags attached to small wood poles. 9. Miscellaneous collection of buttons. 10. Leather tobacco pouch (2 pieces). 11. Meershaum pipe (2 pieces). 12. Indian beads. 13. Old Fashioned cigarette lighter. 14. Whistle. 15. Four old broken watches. 16. Two pins-Awards of Merit- Maritime Commission (one larger than other). 17. Miscellaneous odds and ends. 18. Wooden drawer box. Note: All of the above items belonged to Mrs. Tipton's father.